December 2, 2013

Day 117 - Front Porch, Appliances & Impulse Shopping on Black Friday

Front Porch
Tom & his crew started framing up the front porch this past Friday.  It was a little bit chilly outside. As they started to place the trusses for the porch ceiling, they came across another glitch.  The trusses came right up to the bottom of the master bedroom window leaving no room for flashing/window trim/shingles! Oops. When we converted the house to SIPs & added the 2nd layer of roof decking, the porch trusses became too tall.   The solution was to drop the porch ceiling height 6 inches. Good thing Linus isn't a tall kid :-)

In other news, we took advantage of some great Black Friday deals over the weekend & bought all of our appliances online.  We had a local appliance store give us a quote, but ultimately we saved a bunch of money buying online.  Savings on state sales tax alone was like getting the dishwasher for free!  We also stopped by Menard's on a whim & bought a faucet for the main floor bathroom.  You know that you're building a new house when your impulse purchase is to buy a bathroom faucet!

Emily & Harry chillin' at the job site.  Literally chillin' because it was COLD outside last Friday!
In other news, Christmas has come to the current Dunn house:
Christmas decorations going up!

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