October 5, 2013

Day 58 - The Panels are Done!

Jamie & his crew placed the last panel on Friday!  The only things they have left to do are finishing the trim for the fascia backer and taping all of the interior seams.  It's going to be several days before the house dries out enough for them to tape the seams.  The next steps for the exterior will be to frame up a gable over the 3rd garage stall and the front porch.  After that, it's finally on to shingles, windows & doors!

Placing the last panel

Lt. Harry Approves!

Overall things are moving right along.  Emily & I went down to the Twin Cities to pick out flooring/countertops ~2 weeks ago.  I think we've got most of the finishing picked.  Plumbing, flooring, cabinets & counters are all set.  Now it's just the lighting to get figured out!

Bye bye!

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